February 10, 2011

Does the grapefruit detox really work?

I have never used any specific diets in my life. But if someone asks me what I eat, I jokingly answer: Plenty of plain yogurt (Balkan style) and pink grapefruit every second day, or at least twice a week! Not that I eat them at the same time, no, no. Yogurt does not really go together with citrus fruits!
So here we go, here is some more about effectiveness of grapefruits....

Most of us have heard of the famous grapefruit detox and wondered about its effectiveness. And while the results are overblown, there is something to be said about the healing power of this wonderful bitter and sweet cousin of the orange. During the winter, when the produce aisle gets a little pricier and tired-looking, the one thing that gets better is the quality of citrus fruits.  That is because February is the peak season for grapefruit in ArizonaCalifornia andFlorida

Even if grapefruit won't help you drop 10 lbs the way the fad diet promises, it does make a great alkaline breakfast suggestion. What this means it that while you might think that grapefruit is an acidic food, when we "burn" them in our body, they actually leave our bodies more alkaline due to their mineral content. Alkaline foods help our body cope with the acidic refined choices we consume like sugar, white flour and processed meats.

Grapefruit actually slows down phase one detoxification in your liver. This may sound like it is a bad thing, but it turns out that excessive amounts of toxic chemicals such as pesticides may cause hyperactivity or what is called 'induction' of this pathway. This can result in high levels of damaging free radicals being produced if phase II detoxification can't keep up. Other substances that may cause hyperactivity include caffeine, alcohol, dioxin, and paint and exhaust fumes. 
If the phase II detoxification systems are not working adequately, these intermediates can cause substantial damage. By enjoying grapefruit, you can slow phase one and let phase two catch up, helping your liver balance out the workload.
5 health reasons to eat grapefruit
1. Blend up those seeds into your smoothie if you dare! Grapefruit seeds are extremelypowerful antimicrobial agents that are packed full of antioxidants. This bitter seed is a great addition to any digestive cleanse in order to ward off unwanted bacteria, parasites and even fungus. So stock up on grapefruit before you hit that tropical vacation this winter to prevent food borne illness!

2. Grapefruit is a great source of vitamin C, which has been shown to boost production of white blood cells to fight off pathogens. Also, in recent studies it has been shown to increase the glutathione (powerful antioxidant in the body) levels in red blood cells as well to get double the protection! Make sure to load up on vitamin C if you are considering a cleanse, so your immune system gets the support it needs when toxins are released from your system.

3. Grapefruit can reduce the amount of drugs needed to get a desired effect:
 They contain a flavanoid called naringin that has the ability to inhibit enzyme activity both in the liver (phase one) and the intestine that break down these drugs for elimination. This allows higher concentrations into the bloodstream. It has been shown to have promising therapeutic use in cancer treatment to lower the amount of chemotherapy drugs needed for treatment. This effect can allow us to use less drugs and have less stress put on our liver, allowing it to function more efficiently. Note: Grapefruit juice interacts with a number of prescription drugs so check with your doctor before increasing your grapefruit consumption.

    4. Grapefruit can help reduce cholesterol: Grapefruit is packed full of soluble and insoluble fibre, which binds to fats and bile in your digestive tract and eliminates LDL (bad) cholesterol. Combine grapefruit with other high fibre foods to aid in elimination for a great cholesterol lowering cleanse. Grapefruits are also a low glycemic fruit choice so include half a grapefruit with breakfast to improve heart health.

    5. Grapefruit has been shown to decrease the risk of breast cancer: Due to the high antioxidant content of this super fruit, it maintains the integrity of the breast tissue cells and prevents mutation. However, be careful if you are undergoing hormone therapy. The inhibitory action of the naringin flavanoid may inhibit estrogen clearance from your system and put you at a greater risk. If you want to ensure that estrogen is being properly metabolized and eliminated, try pairing grapefruit with other sources of fibre to cleanse the digestive tract and allow proper elimination to achieve hormone balance.

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