March 29, 2012

10 Ways to Age Backwards
Real Beauty – Wed, 28 Mar, 2012 3:48 PM EDT

Hold on to your youth with these tips and tricks for younger-looking skin.
#1: Eat Seaweed
Certain undersea delicacies, like seaweed, have a composition similar to blood plasma and are among the richest sources of minerals and nutrients. Seaweed also minimizes signs of aging by detoxifying skin and fighting free radicals. If you don't want to munch on salty seaweed, introduce it into your diet with capsules.

#2: Get Enough Sleep
No matter how much makeup you apply, your skin won't look good without enough sleep. Skin needs this down time to repair and rejuvenate itself, so turn off all your digital gadgets at night.
#3: Don't Stress
Studies show that stressing out practically etches lines on your face (as if you don't have enough to worry about). Finding a few moments of solace everyday can add years to your life-and money to your bank account (think about how much you'd spend on Botox otherwise).
#4: Go Sugar-Free
Or at least avoid it whenever you can. Excessive sugar reacts with proteins in your skin and speeds up the clock.
Read More: 33 Anti-Aging Foods

#5: Try this DIY Toning Mask
Makes 1 Application. You'll need: Juice from 1/2 a lemon (strained), 1 egg white.
Beat together the egg white and lemon juice for 3 minutes. *Apply directly to your face, avoiding the eyes.* Leave on for 30 minutes.* Rinse off with warm water.*
#6: Eat A Lot of Protein
Feed your complexion by eating plenty of protein, which plays a vital role in the production of collagen and elastin -- essential ingredients for younger-looking skin. Good sources: meat, fish, eggs, cheese, beans, soy and lentils.
#7: Use Overnight Remedies
Double-duty your shut-eye time and use overnight products that contain ingredients like Vitamins B, C, and P to stimulate cell turnover and circulation. The result? Puffiness and overpigmentation are reduced by morning.
#8: Take Your Vitamins
Taking oral supplements of vitamins A, C and E help prevent some damage from sunlight and aging.

#9: Know Which Foods Are Good For Your Skin
Eat more good-for-your-skin foods like salmon, almonds, and berries.

#10: Avoid Cigarette Smoke
It's not enough just to quit smoking, second-hand cigarette smoke also causes premature wrinkles. The oxygen-deprived (and toxin-filled) air triggers enzymes that destroy collagen.
For more from Real Beauty:

March 20, 2012

The Photoshop Is Closed: New Tool Measures Amount of Airbrushing

Now you can visit a gallery of photoshopped photos of celebrities...

Beautiful Angie before and after Photoshop

InFAUXmercial Must-See: Fotoshop by Adobé

(Edited by  on January 17 2012)

For those who believe in what they see on TV!

Maybe she’s born with it? No freaking way. Odds are, which ever celeb you’re looking at has been treated with the fashion industry’s most highly prescribed and trusted beauty product: Fotoshop by Adobé. This (totally fake) infomercial forthe beauty fix-all is hilarious, informative and slightly disturbing. Call now and you get the Spot Healing Brush, Hue/Saturation and Liquefy tools absolutely free! 

So which makes more sense? Banning celebs that use too much photoshop? Or equalizing the playing field with everyone’s now-photoshopped Facebook profile?

This commercial isn't real, neither are society's standards of beauty.
Full post here with behind the scenes:

By the way, did you know: photoshop was created in 1989? Yup!

March 3, 2012

Supermodels without photoshop

By Joanna Douglas, Senior Fashion and Beauty Editor | Fashion

Photoshop and airbrushing scandals grow less shocking by the day, but we are always super excited to see unretouched photos. It's satisfying to see what celebrities and models really look like! The photo at the left was taken last weekend in St. Barth's during a photo shoot for Glamour's June issue. From left to right we have Victoria's Secret model Alessandra Ambrosio, plus-size model Crystal Renn, and Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue cover girl Brooklyn Decker.

Of course makeup artists and celeb hair stylist Ted Gibson were on hand to help beautify the ladies, but this photo has not been airbrushed at all.

Do you think women would feel better about themselves if photos were not retouched, and we were able to see celebrities and models as their true undoctored selves? [WWD][Fashionindie]


*For the record, I just want to clarify that Crystal Renn is a size 12, and that is what the modeling industry--not myself--labels as plus-size.

By Joanna Douglas
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