March 20, 2012

InFAUXmercial Must-See: Fotoshop by Adobé

(Edited by  on January 17 2012)

For those who believe in what they see on TV!

Maybe she’s born with it? No freaking way. Odds are, which ever celeb you’re looking at has been treated with the fashion industry’s most highly prescribed and trusted beauty product: Fotoshop by Adobé. This (totally fake) infomercial forthe beauty fix-all is hilarious, informative and slightly disturbing. Call now and you get the Spot Healing Brush, Hue/Saturation and Liquefy tools absolutely free! 

So which makes more sense? Banning celebs that use too much photoshop? Or equalizing the playing field with everyone’s now-photoshopped Facebook profile?

This commercial isn't real, neither are society's standards of beauty.
Full post here with behind the scenes:

By the way, did you know: photoshop was created in 1989? Yup!
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