January 4, 2011

Style Tips From Sex And The City

Twelve years ago Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte, and Miranda strutted onto our TV screens and forever meshed feminism and style. Take a look back on some of those beauty moments from Season I to the big screen. (By Rose L. Thayer)
How It All Began
It all began back in 1998 with Carrie's crispy curls, white eyeliner, and those awkward interviews during each episode — nothing could stop women everywhere from being captivated by her (and her friends') trials and tribulations! Let's journey through some of the looks we've loved — and loved to hate — from Season 1 right through the Sex and the City sequel. Bring on the hats, shoes, halter tops, and hair dos and don'ts!

Classic Charlotte

Count on Charlotte to always be put-together, conservative, and simply elegant. Her style is the epitome of the classic American look, ripped straight from the pages of a Ralph Lauren catalog. Whether she's working at her art gallery, attending singles' night at a synagogue, or chasing around two children and a nanny, Charlotte never falters in her dress — or her morals.

The Ever-Evolving Carrie

No matter how you feel about the insane outfits Carrie has worn throughout the years (which change as often as she and Mr. Big break up), you can't deny that she pulls them off with her trademark je ne sais quoi. Who else could travel to Paris in such a clichéd Parisian hat and make it look so chic and effortless, or sport a petticoat and Dior fashions in the Arabian Desert? But, hey, how many of us, given the body, budget, and opportunity, can really say we wouldn't do the same?

That Is So Samantha

Samantha is a woman who knows what she wants and knows who she is. She keeps her look the same — bangs, blond hair, and hot man candy by her side — but plays it up with trendy outfits, Birkin bags, and sparkling, treading-on-gaudy jewelry.

No-Nonsense Miranda

Thank goodness Miranda's tough lawyer look wears off as the show continues. Everything about early Miranda is harsh, from her super-dark, slicked back red hair to the no-nonsense way she handles the men in her life. Before Steve, who knew she even had a soft side?

Series Finale

By the close of the series in 2004, all the women are looking their best. They have really found their groove — in their lives and in their styles. Miranda especially is dramatically and beautifully transformed by the final season. Her highlighted, layered bob softens her overall appearance, and gone is the buttoned-up, no-frills fashion sense of the earlier episodes.

The Fab Four Today

Twelve years later, these four women still look amazing — you could say they're like fine wine! And judging by the box office numbers for their latest film, it seems that America is still madly in love. We'll stay tuned for Sex and the City: The Golden Years!

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