January 25, 2011

reblogging is in!

It is interesting — or should I say boring — when I go from one of my most favourite blogs to another and discover the same piece of information ,or the same set of photos, being reblogged in a different format, different comments and different context?
Almost the same way as news travels, depending who gets in touch of the original piece of information first. And everyone else soon follows, reposts, reblogs, etc...
So, I am not feeling bed ever again for not being original in my posts!
Reblog is the thing! Everyone does it!
Happy reblogging!
ps. Check the blogs I am following, most of them have a lot of content in common, if not the same, just reposted in a different order. Am I right? Tell me...
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in pursuit of happiness

Inspired by the beauty of music, architecture, interior decor, travel, nature, and beautiful clothes, beautiful people..... Affirmations. Cognitive bias