December 30, 2010

2011 — We deserve all good things that will happen to us!

So here's to the New Year!

Whether it's a celebration in big crowd or just the two of you.... enjoy yourself. 
Or even if you are alone and staying home... there is always something nice to do... nice candle light bath...
Or, perhaps, invite your neighbours for a glass of bubbly...

Happy New Year!

Don't feel guilty. We deserve all good things that will happen to us. 

Paulo Coelho 

PS. By the way: 
Did you know if you put a raisin in a fresh glass of champagne, it will rise and fall continuously?
A raisin dropped in a glass of fresh champagne will bounce up and down continually from the bottom of the glass to the top. This is because the carbonation in the drink gets pockets of air stuck in the wrinkles of the raisin, which is light enough to be raised by this air. When it reaches the surface of the champagne, the bubbles pop, and the raisin sinks back to the bottom, starting the cycle over.
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Inspired by the beauty of music, architecture, interior decor, travel, nature, and beautiful clothes, beautiful people..... Affirmations. Cognitive bias