April 17, 2010

An ancient diet has become one of the hottest new food trends

On my last flight I ordered kosher food. Yes, and it was not for any religious reason. I simply wanted to make sure I get fed right away — flying on the transatlantic jet to Europe in economy class....

During booking my ticket I made this choice, knowing, I will be served right away, before everybody else gets a choice of chicken or fish, or no choice for those in the back of the plane :(  And yes, the food arrived right away, and I had a seat in the back of the plane!

I just learned I am not that unusual —62% people are buying kosher food for its quality, not for any religious reason. Because they believe the food is better quality and safer for health!

What's your experience with food on the airplane? Have you ever tried kosher foods? 
Knowing how it's processed I am inclined to search for it at home now....

This article explains a lot to me.....

Actually, reading the first eight comments below the original article makes me want to become vegetarian! I have never thought of the pain poor animals have to go through during slaughter! I don't know if humane or non-humane slaughtering makes any difference... Pain is pain!

/And here is the second article about kosher:
For Some, ‘Kosher’ Equals Pure. Read on, if I got your interest in the first place..../
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