April 13, 2010

Self image & self worth

Good self image is the most valuable psychological possession of a human being and a lack of self worth is the most destructive.

As a little girl I wanted to join a sports-enhanced class, an experiment in my elementary school. But my dream was quickly shattered as I was told my heart was not in a good condition. The little girl was sad for few days, and never thought about it again. In my adult life, what kind of sports do I do? Swimming and walking. As a result of a comment given once and never tested again, I gave up on all strenuous activities. I was told: I WAS NOT GOOD ENOUGH! I have internalized the judgement of others which affected my life.

So what is Self image? It is the mental picture, generally of a kind that is quite resistant to change, that depicts not only details that are potentially available to objective investigation by others (height, weigh, hair colour, sex, IQ score, etc.), but also items that have been learned by that person about himself or herself, either from personal experiences or by internalizing the judgments of others. /Wikipedia/

Ask yourself: What do you believe people think about you? That's usually your self image.

Self worth is associated with self respect, and it is a bit different than self esteem, which is associated with self confidence. Self worth, in my eyes, is a self deservedness. And it's much easier to change the sense of your own self worth than to change your self image.

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