September 21, 2010

Most dangerous food ingredients

Most dangerous food ingredients

HighFructose Corn Syrup  
The Corn Refiners Association recently asked the FDA in the U.S. to allow high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) to be renamed 'corn sugar' for labelling purposes. In Canada, the product is labelled as glucose/fructose and is found in an alarmingly wide array of products, from yogurt to bread to lunch meats. Some scientists say HFCS is more dangerous than regular sugar because it can affect normal appetite and can contain mercury.
(Credit: Chris Devers)

Elisabeth Hasselbeck of 'The View' has recently brought widespread attention to the danger gluten can pose to human health. Sufferers of celiac disease have long avoided the substance, which is found in almost any product made from wheat, oats, barley or rye, but now many who don't test positive for the disease are identifying as 'gluten intolerant' and going 'G-Free.' Gastro-intestinal problems are the most common symptom of gluten  intolerance.
(Credit: aagius)

Food Colouring  
While many parents blame sugar for their child's hyperactivity, it may be the food colouring that is to blame. Recent studies suggest that artificial colouring agents found in everything from candy to sausages aggravate attention-deficit disorder and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Several studies have even shown that academic performance increases in schools where artificial ingredients, including colourings, are banned.
(Credit: Matthew Bland)

Nitrates and Nitrites  
Many recent studies have linked processed meats to heart disease and cancer and nitrates and nitrites may be the key. Found in hot dogs, bacon, deli meats and other prepared meats, the preservatives can form carcinogenic compounds called nitrosamines when heated. These nitrosamines can contribute to the formation of brain cancers and leukaemia.

Not all flours are bad for you, but the highly refined white flour found in many breads can be bad news for your health. Often produced using chlorine and peroxides, the product emerges without its original nutrients. The body processes the flour as sugar, contributing to the epidemics of obesity and diabetes
(Credit: Joana Hard)

Approved for use in Canada, ractopamine is a chemical used to make pigs grow more quickly as they approach slaughter. Consequently, levels of the chemical have little time to be processed and can remain at high levels in the eventual product. Ractopamine poses particular danger to those with heart conditions. The product has already been banned by more than 100 countries.

BHA and BHT  
Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and the related compound butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) are added to foods to help preserve fats and to prevent the foaming of yeast. They are found in butter, chips and even beer. Both compounds have been linked to hyperactivity and to the formation of cancers.

Most commonly found in little paper packages, the artificial sweetener is also in a wide variety of other products, such as soft drinks, cereals and even ice cream. While the FDA in the U.S. has ruled the product is safe, critics have claimed its approval was marred by conflicts of interest. In 1996, controversy over the product reached fever pitch after '60 Minutes' aired a report on concerns the sweetener could cause brain tumours.
(Credit: Amalthya)

This makes me wonder sometimes, are we going to make it as humanity? Everything seems to be dangerous to us one way or the other!

I just read the another article: 
Manganese in water can harm kids' IQ! So what is the solution? Or is there a solution?
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