September 28, 2010

Which way is she turning?

The Right Brain vs Left Brain test ... 
do you see the dancer turning clockwise or anti-clockwise?

A spinning dancer has been fascinating me for a long time now. I am sure you have seen it online somewhere already....
Few years back I got an email with animated (gif) image with a silhouette of dancing ballerina. I took time to further analyze it. And I couldn't decide why the direction of her movement sometimes would change during the spin. Sometime, but not always. My eyes and my feelings played tricks on me!? Why the perception was not stable? It's been puzzling me ever since.

I have tried with few of my friends. It didn't help me — the tricky spinning/pirouetting ballerina still dances tirelessly... So lets see if we can find out how my readers perceive her movement. [I put a poll above, on the top of this page, please make your choice.]

If you are a left brainer, you will see the ballerina turning anti-clockwise.
The left brain function includes:
  1. uses logic
  2. detail oriented
  3. facts rule
  4. words and languages
  5. present and past
  6. math and science
  7. can comprehend
  8. knowing
  9. acknowledges
  10. knows object name
  11. reality based
  12. forms strategies
  13. practical
  14. safe

And if you are a right brainer, you will see the ballerina turning clockwise.
The right brain function includes:
  1. uses feelings
  2. ‘big picture’ oriented
  3. imagination rules
  4. symbols and images
  5. present and future
  6. philosophy & religion
  7. can ‘get it’
  8. believes
  9. appreciates
  10. spatial perception
  11. knows object function
  12. fantasy based
  13. presents possibilities
  14. impetuous
  15. risk taking
So, which side of the brain do you think with most of the time? You can see for yourself how the ballerina turns and you will get the answer.But there again, the human mind is never one sided. We all have the ability to ‘see’ the ballerina turning both clockwise and anti-clockwise.

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