September 9, 2010

Places to Meet New Guys

10 Places to Meet New Guys

Are you and your friends sick and tired of looking for places to meet new guys? They are out there, but you need to break out old the old routine and start looking where they are and not where you are. I am sure if they knew you were there, they would be too. But since they don't it is time to expand your horizons when you are looking for that special someone.
Before I jump into some ideas for you girls to meet new guys lets lay out some common knowledge facts. I am not trying to insult you, just trying to apply some logic. If you hate sports, don't try to meet a new guy at a bar next to the ballpark. If you don't like to drink alcohol, don't try to meet new guys at a bar or tavern. If you are into champagne and caviar, don't try to meet guys at the Auto parts store. Enough said, you get the idea. I will provide you with some ideas to get you started meeting new guys, but you have to decide if it is right for you.
10 Spots to Meet New Guys
1. The Home Improvement Store: It is a big place and there are lots of guys there that feel comfortable in that environment. It is easy to meet new guys here because it is easy for them to be themselves. Strike up a conversation or ask him a question regarding something around your house or apartment. Don't be too obvious, maybe a question about hanging a picture.
2. The local Sports Bar and Restaurant: A good time to go there is on game night. The place should be crowded with lots of new guys to meet that are watching the game on the televisions. They will be in their own element and would be more than happy to tell you about the game if you ask. Asking questions is always a good way to get him talking and meet new guys.
3. The Gym or Health Club: The Health Club can be a great place to meet new guys. At most health clubs there are usually more guys there than girls, which can give you better selection and less competition. Look out for the guy that thinks he is the gift to all women, there is usually one or two of these. There are still many other new guys to meet at the gym. Once again a great way to start a conversation is to ask him a question. It could be about adjusting a machine or "am I doing this right" as it pertains to certain exercise. Guys love to share (or show off) their knowledge at the gym. The worst thing that could happen here is that you get in better shape.
4. The animal shelter or the Super Size Pet Store: When you meet new guys that come to pick out a pet by themselves it is a pretty good chance that he is single otherwise he would have his significant other with him. (not a sure sign, but pretty good) If you are not animal lover forget it, but if you love animals this can be a good place to meet new guys. You both already have something in common and emotions are often on the surface when looking at a cute little puppy or kitten.
5. If you like the Outdoors Type of Guy: Look for hiking trails in your area, they don't have to be extreme sports type when you are looking to meet new guys. They could be something as simple as a hike through the local forest preserve, state park or nature center.
6. The Local Coffee Shop or Starbucks: Meeting new guys at a local coffee shop can be easy because of the relaxed atmosphere. This is a very easy place to start a casual conversation. Like, how do you like the (his drink), I have considered trying that one. Take it from there.
7. How about the Laundromat: This is a great place to meet new guys and the bonus is that you know they are particular about having clean clothes. There is not to much to be said about the laundromat, but if he is here doing his laundry, he is probably single and he will be there for a little while. At least long enough to start a conversation or until the cycle is over.
8. What about a class at a Community Center or Community College: This is actually an easy place to meet new guys. When the class runs over the course of 6 to 8 weeks like many do, you can get to know him a little better before the next step. Most of these type of classes will have a break halfway through and everybody has a chance to mingle.
9. Recreational Co-Ed Sport: Many communities have recreational types of sports leagues that are a great place to meet new guys. One that is gaining popularity that comes to mind is volleyball. They usually play one night a week and some of them actually havesingles and couples leagues. Check it out at your local Rec Center. Bring a friend and have some fun.
10. Last, but certainly not least, Online Dating: This is not for everyone, but you can meet new guys and get to know them a little better before moving forward. For obvious reasons you need to be cautious, but there are many online dating sites that will cater to your demographics and preferences.
There you go, there are many more if you think about it. When you say that you want to meet new guys explore some of the above options. Here a re a couple of Old School bonus ones: Grocery Store, Bowling Alley, Car Dealer, Local Diner, and Hardware Store. I told you it was Old School.
The amazing thing is that you never know where you might meet new guys, it can happen in the strangest places and under the weirdest circumstances. Just ask some of the married couples that you know how they first met.
Happy Hunting.
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