February 25, 2013

What Does Hollywood Eat

What Does Hollywood Eat

by Tessa on February 14, 2013

Celebs Don’t Take Dieting Too Far. You Shouldn’t Either

Celebrities follow Hollywood diets such as the Zone and Pressed Juicery plans to get into amazing shape. Celebs choose healthy diets and exercise regularly to snap back into shape quickly. They have a balanced menu too. So, snack, processed, and fast food have to go. Limiting sugar-laden and high-sodium foods and refined carbohydrates is a healthy strategy.
The goal of healthy diets is to lose weight in a steady way, not to get pin thin, anorexic, and super skinny. There is nothing worse than sickly appearance. The goal of a healthy diet is to look and feel well. Celebrities don’t starve themselves but are picky about food and eat organic. Hormones found in poultry, meat, and dairy products make the body store fat. This is why, organic produce is the rage in Hollywood. Celebs stay away from packaged and processed meats and canned foods, which are loaded with sodium and preservatives. While there is no evidence that organic produce aids weight loss, it is part of a healthy diet. If you want to achieve that flat post-pregnancy tummy the Hollywood way, go organic!

Infographic courtesy of lowcarbfoods.org
Infographic via Infographic.ca

February 20, 2013

5 ‘healthy’ habits that are making you fat

olives, nuts + avocados – help to promote weight loss

Cutting fat from your diet

Hands up who’s ever checked a packet and then rejected your food choice based on the fat content?
If you’ve ever been on a diet, we’re guessing your hand is probably up. For many dieters, fat seems like the ultimate enemy. However, opting for low fat products can be much more of a diet disaster than opting for those that contain moderate amounts of fat.
Firstly, many low fat meals are packed with sugar to compensate, meaning that they can still inevitably lead to weight gain. Furthermore, contrary to what you may think, not all fats are good for you, and studies have found that eating good monounsaturated fats – found in olives, nuts and avocados – can actually help to promote weight loss.

use glass not plastic water  bottle

Drinking water

Drinking plenty of water is undoubtedly good for you; helping you to stay hydrated and energized and to keep your organs and digestive system in good condition. However, studies have shown that the chemicals found in water could also be making you fat.
Not only have research results published in PLoS ONE shown that the chemical bisphenol A (BPA) found in plastic water bottles encourages the body to create more fat, our drinking water can also contain the hormone estrogen, which affects the way our bodies store fat. The more we are exposed to these chemicals, the harder it becomes to lose weight.
However, there’s no need to panic just yet – while ditching water clearly isn’t an option, experts suggest that filtering your water or using a reverse osmosis purification system can limit the chemicals you are exposed to.


While exercise is essential for good health and, when approached correctly, can help you to shed excess pounds, many exercisers make vital mistakes that can lead to them gaining weight. Firstly, research has found that relying solely on exercise to manage your weight can actually be ineffective. Studies have shown that exercise, when not combined with dietary changes, does very little in respect to losing weight.
Additionally, many of us overestimate the amount of calories burned through exercise and adhere to the myth that exercise continues to boost the body’s ability to burn fat well after our workout is over. Therefore, we often end up overcompensating for workouts with pre- or post-workout snacks, leading to weight gain. For maximum weight loss benefits, try to incorporate both exercise and dietary changes into your day.

Looking on the bright side

While impulsive and optimistic people may be happier (and therefore have stronger immune systems) than their more anxious and pessimistic counterparts, research suggests that they could also have more trouble losing weight.
According to research by America's National Institute on Ageing, impulsivity is the strongest predictor of who will become overweight. Furthermore, researchers from Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan studied obese women and men partaking in a six month weight loss program and found that those who were more positive and optimistic in their outlook lost the least weight.
It is believed that positivity may cause weight gain by causing optimists not to worry enough about their weight to resist temptation and stick to a strict healthy eating and fitness regime.

fructose (the sugar found in fruit) can help to trigger overeating

Snacking on fruit

Fruit is undoubtedly nutritious, being packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. However, due to its healthy properties, many people overindulge on fresh fruit, juices and smoothies, forgetting about the fact that many fruits are also high in calories and sugar. Although fruit is healthy, remember that a calorie is still a calorie, and the ones in fruit are as likely to make you overweight as the ones in any other food.
Furthermore, research results published in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggest that fructose (the sugar found in fruit) can help to trigger overeating, as after consuming fructose the brain doesn’t register feelings of fullness and satiety as it does when we consume glucose. While it is still important we feed our bodies with the nutrients found in fruit, those struggling with their weight should ensure they don’t go overboard. You should also try to obtain some of these nutrients and fiber through vegetables, which are lower in sugar and calories.

Read more on realbuzz.com...

7 ‘good’ habits that are bad for your health
7 worst weight loss mistakes

10 Germiest Places in Your Home

The germiest places in your home

The less visible the spot, the more it could house unwanted dirt, mold, and bacteria. Tips for cleaning

1. Underside of Rugs
To remove dust and dirt that's gone deep down into the rug, simply flip it over and vacuum the underside.

2. Blinds
The material they're made of - metal, wood, or fabric - determines how you dust them. For metal blinds, wipe with a sock lightly dampened with water or multi-purpose cleaner. For wood blinds follow the same procedure using only a little tap water. Do not overwet the wood and be sure to buff dry right away. For fabric blinds, go over the blinds with a dry microfiber cloth.

3. Credit Cards

These everyday essentials get handled by lots of people, and germs can lurk in the crevices around the numbers. Give debit and credit cards a quick cleaning with an alcohol wipe and let them air dry before placing them back in your wallet.

Related: How To Speed Clean Your Bathroom In Just Minutes

4. Kitchen Trash Can
Clean your can or the plastic liner in your utility room sink, the shower, or outside. (Be sure to disinfect the sink and shower afterwards). Thoroughly spray the trash can with a cleaner that contains bleach and let it stand for 10 minutes. Rinse and wipe clean. Before adding a new garbage bag, be sure the can is completely dry.

5. Plants
Outdoor plants are cleaned off by the rain, but houseplants become caked with dust. Spiff them up with water and a soft cloth, like an old t-shirt. Don't forget to inspect the dirt for mold. Overwatering plants can cause mold to develop on top of the soil. If you notice any, replace the soil.

6. Purse
Spot clean fabric bags with a gentle detergent solution like Woolite and flip the purse inside out to wipe down the inner lining. On finished leather purses, use a leather conditioning cleaner - I love Guardsman Leather Wipes. And, if you place your purse on the floor in a restaurant or even worse, in the ladies' room, never put it on your kitchen table or countertop.

Related: 10 Biggest Organizing Mistakes You Don't Realize You're Making

7. Top of the Refrigerator
I guess it's true what they say: "out of sight, out of mind". This definitely applies to the top of the refrigerator. Don't forget to wipe it down when you do the sides and handles.

8. Toothbrush Holder
Soak the holder in a solution of 1 part bleach to 3 parts water and rinse. Then air dry upside down. Or simply wash on the top rack of your dishwasher.

9. Vacuum Cleaner Brushes & Attachments
You clean out the dust container or replace the bag routinely but when was the last time you cleaned the vacuum upholstery tool or brush roll? Check your manual for the how-to. Using scissors, cut off any carpet fibers or hair entangled around the brush.

Related: 16 Ways to Fake a Clean House - Fast

10. Yoga Mat After a few sessions, you probably notice that your sweaty hands and feet are leaving dirty marks on your mat, which can lead to yucky bacteria growth. Most mat manufacturers recommend occasionally hand cleaning their products with water and mild soap. All-purpose cleaners can eat away at the material.

What's your secret to a germ-free house? Let me know in the comments!
--By Christina Peterson   

February 18, 2013

Travel, Fall in love, and Be happy

What we all want in life,
to travel, fall in love, and be happy!

More yummies

visually pleasing and very tasty



More beautifully shot yummies at http://blue-dreams-revisited.tumblr.com/tagged/food

The top 10 worst foods to eat

Now we are not saying that these types of foods should never pass your lips again, it's just a heads up on the fact that they shouldn't feature too heavily in your diet if you want to maintain healthy nutrition and maybe lose a few pounds.

Worst food 1: Pork scratchings

(pork rind or crackle)
Heavy and hard, we are talking fatty pig skin deep fried and then doused in salt. Also, if you are lucky you might even get one sporting a few hairs; pig hair is usually removed by quickly burning the skin before it is cut into pieces and cooked in the hot fat.

Worst food 2: Fried desserts

Fried desserts feature high up on the list of worst foods to eat as essentially you are dipping something in batter that is already high in sugar and fat, and then deep frying it. And don't be fooled by pineapple and banana fritters either; they are no better because they are fruit. The layer of batter and the fact they are swimming in sugary syrup make them one of the worst foods too.

Fried desserts are one of te all-time worst foods: sugar and fat combined -what an indulgence!Fried desserts are one of te all-time worst foods: sugar and fat combined -what an indulgence!

Worst food 3: Cheesy fries

Fries could feature as a bad food on their own, but taking a plate of fried potato and layering it in cheese, well, that takes them up a notch in the bad food stakes. Cheese typically contains over 10 times as much saturated fat as fish and white meat and coupled with deep fried carbs, a serving of cheesy chips are a big bad no-no.

Worst food 4: Fizzy drinks

Pop and soda — yeah they're bad, mainly because they pack massive amounts of calories, even in small quantities, so you are adding to your daily calorie quota and getting little nutritional value in return. Studies have also linked fizzy drink consumption to osteoporosis, tooth decay and heart disease. And diet drinks are not recommended either, granted they are lower in calories but as they contribute to dental erosion (the bubbles in the drink are acidic) they are a no go as well.

Worst food 5: Coloured alcopops

Alcopops (alcohol + pop) are again big calorie culprits as they are packed with sugar and calorific alcohol. Plus the fact that they are full of colours and flavorings all contribute to making them a pretty toxic tipple. Little rule of thumb, the brighter the color of the alcopop, potentially the worse it is for you. Instead opt for clear spirits with soda, tonic or fruit juice and steer clear of the technicolour stuff.

Worst food 6: Liquid meals

Okay, they aren't inherently bad for you, but liquid meals or meal-replacement drinks do keep you from eating proper food. You need to make sure you are eating whole, natural foods to ensure you gain all your essential nutrients. Meal replacements maybe okay for people who are too ill to eat, but don't let them replace the real foods in your diet.

The top 10 worst foods to eatThe top 10 worst foods to eat

Worst food 7: Processed meats

These are also sometimes referred to as 'mystery meats' because it's ambiguous as to what some of them actually contain. But you can be assured that if it comes from a can and is kind of unrecognizable — it's not going to be great for your body. Try to steer clear of sausages and salamis too; these food stuffs are generally all the unwanted bits churned up with fat and salt - we are talking heads, knees and toes (plus a few other less-desirable body bits).

Worst food 8: Chicken nuggets

First off, chicken nuggets that are not made from filets are the real bad guys. Again it's similar to the sausages situation; all the leftover carcass bits mixed up with bulking agents so manufacturers can crank out more portions. But it's when these little nuggets are deep fried that really boosts their 'worst-food' status and it's all to do with the size. Smaller fried items, i.e. nuggets, absorb more fat that larger pieces of fried goods, so a portion of nuggets will pack way more fat than a single larger fried piece. So if you want fried chicken — go for a big breast.

Worst food 9: Doughnuts

If there is one food that epitomizes 21st century junk food it's the doughnut. Coated, filled, glazed, sugared, jam crammed or plain old ring, they are not great for your body. And it's not only the refined flour, refined sugar and then the frying in the refined oil that makes them bad for you. Doughnuts will upset blood-sugar balance and give a quick high followed by a 'crash and burn' low, then you guessed it, you're hungry again and reaching for another one — that's why they generally come in boxes of 10!

Worst food 10: Canned soups

Now, soups don't seem to be one of the bad boys and in comparison to some of the above they probably can sit quite comfortable in the middle of the bad-food scale, but it's their salt-packing stealth that gets them into this list. Soups mainly sport a healthy identity; wholesome, warming and good for you. The reality is that many canned varieties are high in salt, so if you must have soup, avoid the canned ones or make your own.
Read more on realbuzz.com...

Top 5 banned foods

5 shocking things we eat every day

February 15, 2013

5 surprising secrets for a flatter stomach

RealBuzz – Thu, 14 Feb, 2013


February 13, 2013

Eat Less Sugar

eat less sugar 
{you are sweet enough already}

Making plans for tomorrow?

Do you have plans for Valentine's Day? 
Maybe a nice evening out, a quiet dinner at home or going out with friends?

Still enough time to make some red velvet whoopie cookies: {http://bluedreamsrevisited.blogspot.ca/2011/02/red-velvet-whoopie-pies.html}

Where there is Great Love there are always Miracles

Where there is Great Love there are always Miracles.
— Will Cather

Getting in the mood...before Valentine's Day

In a sentimental mood...before Valentine's Day

in a sentimental mood...
"In a sentimental mood
I can see the stars come through my room
While your loving attitude
Is like a flame that lights the gloom
On the wings of every kiss
Drifts a melody so strange and sweet
In this sentimental bliss
You make my paradise complete
Rose petals seem to fall
It's all I could dream to call you mine
My heart's a lighter thing
Since you made this night a thing divine
In a sentimental mood
I'm within a world so heavenly
For I never dreamt that you'd be loving sentimental me"

by Ella Fitzgerald

More images at: http://blue-dreams-revisited.tumblr.com/archive/2013/2

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Love & Light,
Blue (BB)

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