April 30, 2010

The body is your temple — don't neglect it!

Photos by From: powerofharmony.tripod.com
What are the top four things that you "cannot live without"?, I was asked not long ago. So this is what I listed without thinking:
1. Music
2. Connection to the 'world' (family & friends) via phone or internet
3. Fresh water
4. Sunshine
[obviously we need oxygen, but it's a fact, not a choice]

Music is the food to my soul, therefore is the most important to me;  It vibrates and soothes my mind, whispers to me, clams down my nervous system. It has been my own therapy ever since I remember....
Some tunes are pleasing and some are annoying. So not all music is equal. The sound frequency + harmony is very powerful. It is so powerful that certain frequencies have healing powers. For example, the third note, frequency 528 Hz is used by genetic biochemists to repair broken DNA!  [Source: The Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies ]

The Six Solfeggio Frequencies include:
  • UT –   396 Hz – Liberating Guilt and Fear 
  • RE –   417 Hz – Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change 
  • MI –   528 Hz – Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair) 
  • FA –   639 Hz – Connecting/Relationships 
  • SOL – 741 Hz – Awakening Intuition 
  • LA –   852 Hz – Returning to Spiritual Order
Enough about music, I was going to share Osho's Notes on Detoxing your Mind and Body.

"Health has two aspects to it. One is the physical, the other is the spiritual. The body is your temple -- don't neglect it. Your foolish, ascetics have been telling you to neglect it -- not only to neglect but to destroy your body. Pythagoras is not an ascetic: he is a man of understanding. Pythagoras says: Respect, don't neglect, your body. If your body is neglected, you will not be able to find the inner harmony -- because if the body is harmonious it helps to attain to inner harmony. Take every care of your health, of your body; love it, respect it, it is a great gift. It is a miracle! a mystery.

What food is for the body repose* is in exactly the same way for the soul: food nourishes the body and repose nourishes the soul. The materialist forgets about repose; that's why in the West there is so much restlessness -- they have forgotten repose, they don't know how to relax. They don't know how to be in a state of unoccupiedness; they don't know how to sit silently doing nothing. They have completely forgotten! The materialist is bound to forget. He goes on eating too much, and he has forgotten that only his body goes on becoming fatter and fatter, and his soul goes on becoming thinner and thinner. 

Repose is far more essential even than food. If sometimes you go on a small fast it is good, but repose should never be forgotten -- because basically the body is only a temple: the deity is within. The body has to be loved only because it is a temple of the deity. The body is only a means; the end is inside.

Repose is food, meditation is food, for the soul. Repose means silence, rest, relaxation, calmness, coolness, collectedness, meditativeness. A state of unoccupied mind, empty, silent, with no idea of any doing, not going anywhere, not rushing anywhere -- just being herenow. That is repose. And to be herenow is tremendously nourishing, because then you are deeply in tune with godliness, then
music showers on you.

The past is no more, it is dead; the future is not yet, it is unborn. Only the present is. Only the present is alive. When you are herenow, life flows in you. When you are herenow, you are in godliness. And that is nourishment, that is real food.
In that sense the Upanishads have said: anam brahm -- food is God, God is food. In the sense of repose it is really food. As the body will die without food, the soul dies without repose.

The materialist thinks only of the body, and the spiritualist thinks only of repose, and both remain lopsided. One has a very nourished soul but an undernourished body; the temple is in ruins. And one has a beautiful temple, a marble temple, but the deity is dead, or has not come yet. Both are missing something.

We need a
music of earth and sky, of body and soul; we need a harmony between the visible and the invisible. The food is visible, repose is invisible. And you need both, and you need a rhythm between the two.

The person who has not known what repose is starts stuffing too much food in himself/herself. Nothing can help him/her unless s/he learns repose -- no dieting is going to help, no exercises are going to help, no disciplining is going to help. Sooner or later s/he will start eating again, because his/hers inner being feels so empty and s/he knows no other way to fill it -- s/he knows only one way: to go on throwing food inside himself/herself.

When people come to me with the problem of too much obsession with food, my only suggestion is: become more meditative. Don't be worried about food. Become more loving, become more meditative, and the problem will disappear. When you are full of love and meditativeness, you need not stuff yourself with food. The food is only a substitute -- because you are missing the inner food, you are trying to substitute it by outer food.

The man of repose always remains very very alert, aware, of what he is eating, how much he is eating. He cannot eat more than is needed, and he will not eat less than is needed. He is always in the middle, he is a balance.

Too much attention or too little shun...

Don't hanker for too much attention from people -- that is an ego trip. Don't try to become very famous, well-known, this and that -- that is an ego trip. But that does not mean start trying to become a nonentity -- that nobody should know you, that you should remain anonymous -- that is again the same trip on the other extreme. Avoid both.
All extremes have to be avoided. Excess is evil according to Pythagoras -- and it is. And to be in the middle, to be exactly in the middle, is virtue. Never be an ascetic, and never become indulgent. Don't eat too much food and don't go on long fasts. Don't become too much obsessed with luxury, and don't become too much anti-luxury, anti-comfort."
             Excerpted from Philosophia Perennis/courtesy Osho International Foundation/www.osho.com

[*REPOSEtemporary rest from activity, excitement, or exertion, esp. sleep or the rest given by sleep]

April 26, 2010

Weekend walk at Spanish Banks

Weekend walk at Spanish Banks with Yoyo and Ajax.

It was a cloudy day and yet the colours are amazing...and of course I only had my iPhone with me, so the quality is good for the web only.

April 24, 2010

Pumpkins: not just for pie anymore!

I was wondering about them.... Pumpkins are in! And tasty.
I do have my own recipe for a tasty dish... it will come later on. Now, it's time to make some long distance calls.
>> Benefits of pumpkin listed here: http://ca.lifestyle.yahoo.com/food-entertaining/blog/beautyeatsbyrealage/80/pumpkins-not-just-for-pie-anymore

April 21, 2010

The 10 biggest health care lies in America

The 10 biggest health care lies in America
Pls. read the whole article, —the one below, #6 caught my attention specifically:
"Lie#6) Screening equals prevention
Western medicine doesn't believe in disease prevention. Rather, the industry believes inscreening while calling it prevention. But screening isn't prevention by even the wildest stretch of the imagination. In fact, virtually all the popular screening methodologies actuallypromote diseases. Mammography, for example, emits so much radiation that it causes breast cancer in tens of thousands of women each year. Imaging dyes used in radiological scans can cause horrific side effects, and psychiatric "disorder" screening is little more than a thinly-disguised patient recruitment scheme disguised as medicine."

Spring flowers in Granville Island area

Pansies, daisies, tulips, and more beauty of nature...

April 20, 2010

Sunday walk to Kits Beach

It was a lovely day for a walk... I took lots of photos with my iPhone and I am so happy that most of them turned out great. So, I am posting some photos now, comments might come later on... if any.

  The boat on the beach

April 17, 2010

An ancient diet has become one of the hottest new food trends

On my last flight I ordered kosher food. Yes, and it was not for any religious reason. I simply wanted to make sure I get fed right away — flying on the transatlantic jet to Europe in economy class....

During booking my ticket I made this choice, knowing, I will be served right away, before everybody else gets a choice of chicken or fish, or no choice for those in the back of the plane :(  And yes, the food arrived right away, and I had a seat in the back of the plane!

I just learned I am not that unusual —62% people are buying kosher food for its quality, not for any religious reason. Because they believe the food is better quality and safer for health!

What's your experience with food on the airplane? Have you ever tried kosher foods? 
Knowing how it's processed I am inclined to search for it at home now....

This article explains a lot to me.....

Actually, reading the first eight comments below the original article makes me want to become vegetarian! I have never thought of the pain poor animals have to go through during slaughter! I don't know if humane or non-humane slaughtering makes any difference... Pain is pain!

April 15, 2010

Things that Never Go Out of Style

I am posting my list of things that would never go out of style.
What is your list?  If you have other things to add, just post them as a Comment to this blog.

Here is my list:
  1. white blouse
  2. blue jeans
  3. little black dress
  4. fresh flowers
  5. red lipstic
  6. Chanel purse
  7. trench coat
  8. home cooked food
  9. champagne
  10. black lingerie
  11. silk & lace
  12. good music
I think I forgot to add some things:
    • cowboy boots
    • jazz
    • bright smile
    • .... anything else?

    How to know if you've met your soulmate

    Have You Found Your Soul Mate?
    I was just reading this article and have decided to post it here. It's going to be better than printing it. I can just store it here and always come back when needed..... Printed article will get lost quickly...Right?

    "So chances are, there is more than one person out there who fits the bill for you. All of them are less than perfect. But if there are no perfect partners, how can you know whether to stay or go? Here are 10 relationship markers to help you know if he or she is The One:

    The Indications
    1. When you're together you feel like you've come home.

    2. You feel like your partnership was meant to be, as if kissed by destiny.

    3. In your communication with each other there is a rapid "knowing" of what each of you means.

    4. You have a shared mission in life, perhaps a cause, a career, or the creation of a family life.

    5. When you're together the world seems like a better place.

    6. Your mood is elevated when you're together. It's not necessarily passion or excitement, although that's there too at times.

    7. When you look at him/her you see a part of yourself that's been missing. Perhaps it's her assertiveness or his joy of adventure. But it's something that when added to your life, makes you feel more complete.

    8. Being together makes you more hopeful about the future you are creating.

    9. You can be more authentic and fully yourself around your partner.

    10. Being together makes each of you work harder on overcoming bad habits and becoming more loving people.

    Don't worry if you don't feel all 10 of these things when you're with your partner. That's where the imperfection comes in -- either in you or your partner. If you are experiencing six or more of these markers, chances are you are matched well. Over time you can work towards having all of these qualities. Couples who have lasting love find that their relationships get closer and better over time. And that process has been my privilege and good fortune to experience personally -- after a lot of hard work that continues to this day!
    Bottom line: your chances of finding The One are better than you think. So go out there and start looking. Love almost always comes in a surprise package that opens up in marvelous and magical ways."(By dating expert Diana Kirschner, Ph.D.)

    April 14, 2010

    The Achilles’ Heel of Aging: a proven method to extend life exists

    ....a proven method to extend life already exists; scientists have known about it since the 1930s. It’s called calorie restriction, or CR. Feed a mouse a nutritious diet that has 30 percent fewer calories, and she lives 30 percent longer than the one in the next cage.

    Pastels for Old Girls

    STYLE IS TIMELESS. Indeed! Look at those old ladies....
    These old girls are so cute. I think we all should wear pastels when we get old, older… in old folks home. Life would be much more pleasant to see candy colours all day long…..

    April 13, 2010

    Self image & self worth

    Good self image is the most valuable psychological possession of a human being and a lack of self worth is the most destructive.

    As a little girl I wanted to join a sports-enhanced class, an experiment in my elementary school. But my dream was quickly shattered as I was told my heart was not in a good condition. The little girl was sad for few days, and never thought about it again. In my adult life, what kind of sports do I do? Swimming and walking. As a result of a comment given once and never tested again, I gave up on all strenuous activities. I was told: I WAS NOT GOOD ENOUGH! I have internalized the judgement of others which affected my life.

    So what is Self image? It is the mental picture, generally of a kind that is quite resistant to change, that depicts not only details that are potentially available to objective investigation by others (height, weigh, hair colour, sex, IQ score, etc.), but also items that have been learned by that person about himself or herself, either from personal experiences or by internalizing the judgments of others. /Wikipedia/

    Ask yourself: What do you believe people think about you? That's usually your self image.

    Self worth is associated with self respect, and it is a bit different than self esteem, which is associated with self confidence. Self worth, in my eyes, is a self deservedness. And it's much easier to change the sense of your own self worth than to change your self image.

    April 12, 2010

    World's Most Livable Cities

    Have you lived or even been in the any of the world's most livable cities? Yes, I am lucky, Vancouver BC certainly is one of the most beautiful cities in the world!!
    In case the Olympics weren't drawing enough attention to city of Vancouver, this year's Economist Intelligence Unit's list of the world's most livable cities has declared the Canadian city the number one urban area in which to settle down.
    If you are surprised, well, you shouldn't be, due to the fact that Vancouver is a consistent high achiever in these polls. What is it about the city that makes it so great? According to  The Economist's Gulliver Blog, Canada and Australia do exceptionally well in the EIU rankings due to their perfect scores for health care and education.
    Some of the other rankings might be more surprising, however - for example, what does one make of the fact that Detroit (40th) beats both London (54th) and New York (56th)?
    Have you lived in the any of the world's most livable cities? What do you think of the rankings? Check out the top 10 in the slideshow below.   (I am reblogging this interesting article > )

    April 10, 2010

    Poland’s President Dies In Russian Plane Crash

    I know, my blog is about a woman, her scent, her beauty... But a woman cannot not acknowledge what the world is feeling today — huge sadness....
    Today’s crash of a Katyn-bound, Soviet-made plane carrying Poland’s president and other top government officials for a commemorative ceremony brings it all home: Simply put, the memory of Stalin’s murders, lies and acts of aggression lingers across great swathes of the globe. 
    >> Read about the 1940 massacre of some 22,000 Poles in Russia’s Katyn forest and one is reminded of the hideous history that buried Europe during the last century.

    April 9, 2010

    My Third Page added now

    Yesterday I have decided to create a separate page for Shop My Closet story... Dedicated mostly to my fabulous girlfriends. I will try to keep it updated regularly — you know how much I love shopping for clothes/fashion, probably as much as designing graphics on my Apple :)

    April 7, 2010

    Banana ice cream, yum!

    Someone just told me: You can make really delicious ice cream, without dairy, by freezing bananas and then pureeing them into ice cream.
    How exactly?
    Peel them, cut in small slices, freeze for couple of hours and blend them. Put smooth mixture back in the freezer in airtight container. You can add some coco before freezing or peanut butter...
    Bon Appetit!

    April 6, 2010

    My colourful Easter weekend

    So many beautiful colours all around me, I just simply cannot resists not to photograph them... flowers, dishes, INCLUDING my yummy lunch. Bon appetit!

    April 3, 2010

    Voting for my Blog Name....

    So today is the last day of my Poll. It looks like the Scent of A Woman is leading 56%! Leaving behind New You Evolve 26%. The other names were not that popular.
    You can still vote, till 4:44 pm today. Thank you for all your participation. 
    Although, it is anonymous, so I don't know who took part in it...

    April 1, 2010

    Did you know honeybees never sleep?

    The queen lives 2-3 years as appose to the 6-8 weeks like the workers. The queen is made, rather than born. Worker bees will feed larvae royal jelly for a certain period of time. The royal jelly is secreted through the heads of the worker bees and is fed through their antennas to the larvae. The royal jelly has so many vitamins and nutrients it will allow for the larvae to become queens. Since there can only be one queen per hive, the potential queen bees will fight to the death until there is one queen remaining.
    Read more>>

    Emotion’s Alchemy

    New insights into the science of emotion unravel the seeming neurological magic that turns emotions into social expressions. 

    Our brains can “mirror” the actions of those we watch. We feel our muscles clench when we watch a figure skater twist in the air, or when we crack a smile as a stage performer grins. That’s the work of the proposed “human mirror neuron network,” part of our visual brain. Basically, swaths of neurons in the human premotor cortex activate both when we are performing an action and watching someone else perform that action. The young science of our mirroring ability is rapidly gaining a spot in emotional neurobiology. After all, “motion” and “emotion” live just one letter apart.

    Laughing and crying provide new entryways into the tangled pathways of the brain.

    Laughter, real laugh-till-you-cry laughter, is one of many human emotional expressions. Arguably, laughing and its tearful counterpart, crying, are the loudest, most intrusive non-linguistic expressions of our species. But for all of that familiarity, they are little-understood behavioral mysteries parading in the light of everyday experience. Though evolutionary biologists have long explored the mammalian origins of emotional expression, human laughs and cries only rarely become subjects of cognitive neuroscience. But that may not stay the case. Laughing and crying, being live demonstrations of emotion and its social expression, provide new entryways into the tangled pathways of the brain.
    For centuries, philosophers and physiologists have puzzled over the phenomenon of emotion. Where are joy, sadness, fear located in the “gelatinous substance” of the brain? wondered nineteenth century phrenologist Franz Gall. How is emotion’s expression related to subjective feeling? In the 1890s, psychologists William James and Carl Lange suggested we don’t cry because we are sad, rather, “we feel sorry because we cry, angry because we strike, afraid because we tremble,” but other theories reigned. And though the James-Lange theory has had a resurgence in recent decades, not until fMRI technology revealed images of the emotional brain could we begin to empirically explore Shakespeare’s musing in The Merchant of Venice: “Tell me where is fancy bred / Or in the heart, or in the head?”
    >> more at: Emotion’s Alchemy

    Scent as Design!

    Why is the smell experience of an object or an environment so often ignored or treated as less significant than the visual and, when it applies, aural, tactile or taste experience?
    read more: Scent as Design § SEEDMAGAZINE.COM
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